Slate has been used to cover roofs for centuries. In fact, you are likely to see it used in many old historical buildings. The roofing material is durable, resistant to the elements, and provides a beautiful aesthetic that can’t be found in other materials. Slate also does wonders for your home in terms of energy efficiency and more.
As it was mentioned in this article, Slate is a wonderful material for using on a roof because of its strength, thermal resistance, and beautiful appearance, among other features. It is a lasting material and definitively will give a lot of value to your house, but when it comes to face natural frozen precipitations like hail is good to have some considerations in mind.
Previous considerations
What happens with a slate roof during a hail storm? Should I be worried about it? Which actions should I take in order to prevent damage to my slate roof during a hail storm? These are the main questions that might come to your mind in this case because you want to protect the investment done in your house.
First, slate is a very strong natural material and is capable to resist a hail storm with no problem as well as snow and rain storms, so in this case you should not be worried. However, you could take preventive actions like installing a special insulating layer beneath the slate shingles but that’s another topic by itself.

On a standard asphalt roofs some the damage caused by a hail storm tends to be bigger because of the quality of the material, as for slate roofs the damages are minimum due to the natural strength of the material. In this matter, on hail storms offer far better protection against hail damage.
Actions on the roof after the storm
After a hail storm your roof needs to be checked in order to evaluate if any shingle needs to be replaced. Even metal roofs could receive this kind of maintenance after a hail storm. Nobody wants to live with a damaged roof! If you’ve been in a hail storm, we know that you’re looking for the best possible solution to fix your roof and make it good as new.
With our high quality slate shingles, we will get your roof looking better than ever before. If you’re not sure what your next move should be, just call us and we’ll set up an appointment for one of our professionals to come.

It is important to point that slate roofs are very strong against hail storms, however it is very important that you appoint regular inspections on your roof so damages on shingles can be spotted on time and further damages can be avoided.
We’ve been in the roofing business for over 20 years, and we’ve seen trends come and go. One thing that has always held true is that hail wrecks havoc on slate roofs. A hail storm can knock your roof’s slate shingles loose, or even shatter them to pieces. You might say that the odds of getting a slate roof damaged by a hail storm are very rare but, what if you’re unlucky and it happens?
It is important to mention that even if the slate shingles are just installed on your roof, they can be damaged by a hail storm. Although it is not common having a slate roof damaged by a hail storm, it is important to inspect your entire roof right after a hail storm in order to check possible damages on the structure.
As a final thought, it can be said that prevention is the key against hail storms and Sentra General Construction Services is ready to offer you detailed inspection service for your roof so you can be sure of having a solid structure in your house.